Seems that Gillian Chung, one of the starlets implicated in the Edison Chen sex scandal contemplated suicide at one stage.
From HK(AFP):
— A Hong Kong pop star contemplated suicide after explicit photos of her with another famous singer were plastered on the Internet last year, a report said Friday.
Gillian Chung, half of Canto-pop duo Twins, said she was devastated when photos of her with actor Edison Chen appeared on the Web, the South China Morning Post reported.
Chung said the idea of killing herself was only fleeting, the newspaper said.
"If I died, all my problems will be passed on to the people around me, the people who care about me," she said in a television interview due to be screened on Saturday, according to the Post.
Chung was one of several starlets pictured in compromising positions with Chen, who has told a court the images were posted on the Web after his computer was stolen.
Chung said she lost all her dignity when the photos were released.
"There's no privacy any more," she was quoted as saying.
"I showed everything to everyone, and no matter what I do I'll get the blame. But dignity is the most important."
Images from Chung's tearful interview were plastered across the front pages of Friday's newspapers in celebrity-obsessed but conservative Hong Kong, where the photos caused a storm when they appeared in February last year.
Chung and Chen are hugely popular across Asia, though Chen, one of the region's biggest film and music stars, saw his career destroyed by the scandal.
He was forced into early retirement and fled to Canada, his childhood home.
Chung was the second victim of the scandal to break her silence over the photos, after actress Cecilia Cheung lashed out at Chen last week for not apologising.
"I blame myself for doing such a foolish thing," said Chung, who has kept a low profile over the past year but is hoping to make a comeback in a high-profile ad campaign next week, the report said.
A computer technician in Hong Kong has been charged with illegally posting the photos online.
Edison Chen Sex Scandal Photos, News & Discussions here:
Edison Chen - 陳冠希, Gillian Chung - 锺欣桐 - 钟欣桐, Cecilia Chung - 張栢芝 - 张柏芝, Bobo Chan - 陳文媛, Vincy Yeung Sex Photo Scandal